Empresa Hondureña de Telecomunicaciones, also known as HONDUTEL, was created on May 7, 1976, through the publication of Decree Law number 431. The purpose of this decree was to regulate the modernization, expansion, and technological advancement of the telecommunications system in Honduras, in order to achieve greater efficiency in management and administration, as well as profitability in line with the increase in services. HONDUTEL is a decentralized state-owned company with its own legal personality and indefinite duration. It has the authority to regulate and authorize the installation and operation of radio stations for amateur, scientific, cultural, television, and other telecommunications services in general.
Boulevard Morazan, Edificio Gerencia Hondutel
Tegucigalpa; Francisco Morazan;
Contact Details: Purchase the Hondutel report to view the information.
Website: http://www.hondutel.hn
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