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Bonso Electronics International Inc. (Hong Kong SAR, China)

Main Activities: Other Electronic Component Manufacturing
Full name: Bonso Electronics International Inc. Profile Updated: September 24, 2024
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The Company has designed, developed, produced and sold electronic sensor-based and wireless products for private label original equipment manufacturers, original brand manufacturers and original design manufacturers.
Since inception, the Company has designed, developed, produced and sold electronic sensor-based and wireless products for private label OEMs, OBMs and ODMs. Since 1989, the Company has manufactured all of its products in China in order to take advantage of the lower overhead costs and competitive labor rates. From 1989 until 2013, all of its production took place in its Shenzhen factory; however, during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2013 it began production in its Xinxing factory. The Company moved all production processes from its Shenzhen factory to the Xinxing factory during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014, and it rented out the old Shenzhen factory to a third party as a source of rental income.
The Company has two factories in China and its business operations are organized based upon the products it offer. The Company s manufacturing operations are conducted at its factory in Xinxing. The Company operate in four business segments:
1988 - The Company was formed on August 8, 1988 as a limited liability company under the laws of the British Virgin Islands under the name Golden Virtue Limited. On September 14, 1988, the Company changed name to Bonso Electronics International, Inc. The Company operates under the BVI Business Companies Act.
2001 - As of May 1, 2001 the Company acquired 100 of the equity of Korona. Korona markets consumer scale products throughout Europe to retail merchandisers and distributors. These products feature contemporary designs using the latest materials and attractive packaging.
2002 - As of August 1, 2002, the Company acquired 51 of the equity of Gram Precision. Gram Precision is primarily engaged in the distribution and marketing of pocket scales in the United States, Canada, and Europe.

2007 - On April 2007, the Company set up a new wholly-owned subsidiary, Bonso USA Inc. Bonso USA Inc. focuses on the sales of industrial scales in the US market. In August 2008, the Company intended to dissolve Bonso USA, Inc. because of poor performance from this subsidiary.
2006 - On November, 2006, Bonso entered into a land purchase agreement with Xincheng Hi-Tech Industrial Estate to acquire a piece of land consisting of 133,500 square meters for future expansion of the Company's operations in XinXing. This new piece of land is more than triple the size of the land upon which the Company s existing facilities are located in Shenzhen, China. The land transfer was completed in 2009. The first phase of construction of the new manufacturing facilities has commenced, and the construction is expected to finish in 2012.
The Company s principal executive offices are located at Unit 1404, 14/F, Cheuk Nang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Its telephone number is (852) 2605-5822, its facsimile number is (852) 2691-1724, its e-mail address is and its website is
The Company s common stock is traded only in the United States over-the-counter market. It is quoted on the NASDAQ Capital Market under the trading symbol “BNSO.”

Unit 1404, 14/F, Cheuk Nang Centre, 9 Hillwood Road, Tsimshatsui
Hong Kong; Hong Kong;

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Bonso Advanced Technology Limited
Bonso Electronics Limited
Bonso Advanced Technology (Xinxing) Company, Limited (China)
Company Performance
Created with Highstock 1.3.7Chart context menu2021Y2022Y2023Y2024Y
Net sales revenue
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period
Net Profit Margin
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency USD. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
Net sales revenue
Total operating revenue
Operating profit (EBIT)
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period
Total assets
Total equity
Operating Profit Margin (ROS)
Net Profit Margin
Return on Equity (ROE)
Debt to Equity Ratio
Quick Ratio
Cash Ratio

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