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Grupo Corporativo Santa Ana S.A (Guatemala)

Main Activities: Sugarcane Farming | Cane Sugar Manufacturing
Secondary Activities: Biomass Electric Power Generation
Full name: Grupo Corporativo Santa Ana S.A Profile Updated: June 03, 2024
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Grupo Corporativo Santa Ana was founded in 1984. It is an agribusiness company that is dedicated to the growth, processing and commercialization of sugar, ethanol and electricity. It produces an average of 4.9 million quintals of sugar (225.879 metric tons of sugar) per year and generating 45 MW in the months of December to March and 25 MW in the months of April to November.

Km. 64.5 carretera a Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa, interior Finca Cerritos
Escuintla; Escuintla;

Contact Details: Purchase the Grupo Corporativo Santa Ana S.A report to view the information.


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