Valio Eesti is one of the largest local dairy companies, which was founded in 1992 and which produces and markets fresh dairy products and cheese made mostly of milk from Southern Estonian farms. Valio Eesti updates its product selection every year and manufactures more than 150 different dairy and cheese products in total.
Valio Eesti’s dairy products can be found in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Finland, Sweden and Italy. On the Estonian market, Valio is represented in all most important dairy product categories: milk, cream, yoghurt, sour milk, desserts, cheese and spreads. Outside Estonia, the company mainly operates in the segments of cheese as well as fresh dairy products that strengthen health.
Valio Eesti manufactures its products in two plants in Southern Estonia – Valio Laeva Dairy and Valio Võru Cheese Plant.
Sopruse pst 145
Tallinn; Harju maakond;
Почтовый индекс: 13425
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