E.R.S. AS is a company located in Maardu, Estonia. The company's incorporation date and history are not mentioned in the source. E.R.S. AS offers a range of quality services in the area of refining, handling, blending, risk management, product supply, and storage of liquid fuels and chemicals. The company's customers and main markets are not mentioned in the source. E.R.S. AS is part of the Liwathon Group, a privately-owned industrial investment holding company with offices in Estonia, Bahamas, and the United Kingdom. Liwathon Group specializes in acquiring significant and highly scalable energy infrastructure assets. They currently own over 2,100,000 m³ of storage across 5 facilities in 2 locations. Liwathon Group aims to deliver shareholder value by combining nimble efficiency and world-class assets. They strive to become the industrial infrastructure partner of choice for businesses who want to focus on their core competencies.
Pirita tee 102
Maardu; Harju maakond;
Почтовый индекс: 12011
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите E.R.S. AS отчет .
Вэб-сайт: http://www.ers.com.ee
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