Solar & Pools S.A.S is a company that imports, distributes, and supplies accessories and equipment for projects related to the construction of pools, hydromassage, solar heating, and heat pumps. They also offer systems for pumping centralized hydroneumatic equipment of hot water through the use of solar energy and heat pumps, as well as conventional heating systems. The company has over 30 years of experience in the hydrosanitary area of swimming pool construction and over 15 years in the solar thermal energy area. They are representatives of importers and distributors of brands in quality and efficiency, and they have installed over 13,000 solar panels at the national level.
Casa Matriz
Av. General Rumiñahui Lote 3, Edif. Comercial Paez
Quito; Pichincha;
Datos de contacto: Comprar el Solar & Pools S.A.S. informe para acceder a la información.
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