LOMBARDI INGEGNERIA S.R.L is an Italian company. It has over 65 years of experience in providing multidisciplinary engineering services for underground structures, traffic infrastructure, dams, hydraulic structures, and pumped storage/hydropower. The company offers engineering services for metropolitan transportation, water infrastructure, and renewable energy for both the private and public sector worldwide. LOMBARDI INGEGNERIA S.R.L specializes in hydraulic works, underground structures, renewable energies, and multipurpose projects. The company is actively promoting a digital engineering transformation and has developed a platform for innovative solutions to manage and produce BIM projects at a higher level of maturity and performance. LOMBARDI INGEGNERIA S.R.L is involved in significant pumped storage projects worldwide, supporting the transition to renewable energy sources. The company's expertise covers the design of high pressure and low-pressure systems, including mechanized and drill and blast tunnelling. LOMBARDI INGEGNERIA S.R.L also offers comprehensive assessment of existing penstock, including evaluation and retrofitting of existing structures. The company provides comprehensive river engineering services, including flood management measures and renaturation projects aimed at restoring natural river functions and habitats. LOMBARDI INGEGNERIA S.R.L is present in five countries with 12 offices.
Casa Matriz
Republica del Salvador N35-82, Edif. Twin Towers
Quito; Pichincha;
Datos de contacto: Comprar el Lombardi - Andina S.A. informe para acceder a la información.
Página Web: http://www.lombardi.group
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