Consolidacion Maritima y Aerea Navicargoecu S.A. is an enterprise based in Ecuador. Its main office is in Guayaquil. The enterprise operates in the Support Activities for Air Transportation industry. Consolidacion Maritima y Aerea Navicargoecu S.A. was incorporated on March 31, 2004. The total number of employees is currently 4 (2023). The company’s latest financial report indicates a net sales revenue drop of 89.53% in 2023. There was a total negative growth of 16.25% in Consolidacion Maritima y Aerea Navicargoecu S.A.’s total assets over the same period.
Av. Juan Tanca Marengo - Av. Constitucio 100, Executive Center Of 611 Bldg. , Floor 6
Guayaquil; Guayas;
Contact Details: Purchase the Consolidacion Maritima y Aerea Navicargoecu S.A. report to view the information.
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