Biometrika is a company specializing in human identification and management. The company offers cloud services for human resource management, time control, and personal time management, including Biometrika Cloud Services and the d2Web staff time management service. Biometrika has developed an intelligent time management prototype called Daniel, an artificial intelligence robot assistant, utilizing Raspberry Pi and Arduino technologies. The company's services are utilized by various industries, including the international student exchange program, and it has been a strategic ally for McDonald's in Ecuador since 2019. Biometrika is a provider of time management solutions in Latin America, offering scalable services for employee time management and personal identification through biometric technology.
Casa Matriz
Av Shyris N34-328, Edif. Smerald , Piso 1401
Quito; Pichincha;
Datos de contacto: Comprar el Biometrika S.A. informe para acceder a la información.
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