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Shell Republica Dominicana (Dominican Republic)

Main Activities: Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores
Full name: Shell Republica Dominicana Profile Updated: December 29, 2023
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Shell Republica Dominicana, located in Santo Domingo, is represented by Isla Dominicana De Petróleo as the exclusive distributor of Shell fuels in the country. Shell is an international group of energy and petrochemical companies with approximately 93,000 employees and operations in over 70 countries. The company utilizes advanced technologies and an innovative approach to build a sustainable energy future.

Str. Francisco Prats Ramirez No. 412 esq. Bohechio, Ens. Quisqueya
Santo Domingo; Distrito Nacional;

Contact Details: Purchase the Shell Republica Dominicana report to view the information.


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