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Nabytek Louda Spol. S R.O. (Czech Republic)

Main Activities: Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers
Full name: Nabytek Louda Spol. S R.O. Profile Updated: December 17, 2024
Buy our report for this company USD 19.99 Most recent financial data: 2019 Available in: English Download a sample report

Nabytek Louda Spol. S R.O is a furniture company that offers classic dining chairs, modern bedroom sets, kitchen lines, seating sets, double beds, sofas, TV boxes, bar chairs, and children's furniture. They provide a wide range of drawing materials and wood shades for their products. The company's products are targeted towards stress spaces, restaurants, rooms, smaller apartments, and children's or student rooms. Nabytek Louda Spol. S R.O. operates in the furniture industry, offering products for various segments such as dining, bedroom, kitchen, seating, and children's furniture.

Hejnicka 4022
Frydlant; Liberecky; Postal Code: 46401

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Incorporation Date:
November 20, 2002
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