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Lenzing Biocel Paskov A.S. (Czech Republic)

Main Activities: Pulp Mills
Full name: Lenzing Biocel Paskov A.S. Profile Updated: December 21, 2024
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Lenzing Biocel Paskov A.S. is a company located in Frydek-Mistek, Czech Republic. The company specializes in the production of cellulose fibers from sustainably sourced wood. They transform wood and wood chips from controlled and sustainable forestry into high-quality products. Lenzing Biocel Paskov is part of the Lenzing Group and meets the group's high standards for sustainable wood sourcing and closed-loop production. The company has a long tradition of producing cellulose and was established in 1983 as a factory for paper pulp production. Lenzing invested millions of euros to transform the plant into a modern biorefinery that produces cellulose for viscose fibers. The majority of the wood used comes from the Czech Republic and is exclusively sourced from controlled and sustainable forestry. Lenzing Biocel Paskov is almost entirely energy self-sufficient, using biomass from wood for electricity and heat production. Excess electricity is supplied to the grid. The company serves as an example of optimal utilization of the renewable natural resource - wood.

Mistecka 762
Paskov; Moravskoslezsky; Postal Code: 73921

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Basic Information
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Incorporation Date:
December 20, 2000
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Reality Paskov s.r.o.
Wood Paskov s.r.o.
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