L E M E R S.R.O. is based in Czech Republic, with the head office in Tisa. The company operates in the All Other General Merchandise Stores sector. L E M E R S.R.O. was incorporated on September 09, 1992. L E M E R S.R.O. currently employs 6 - 9 (2023) people. The company’s latest financial report indicates a net sales revenue increase of 0.92% in 2023. Its’ total assets recorded a growth of 14.62%. The net profit margin of L E M E R S.R.O. decreased by 1.12% in 2023.
Tisa 409
Tisa; Ustecky;
Postal Code: 40336
Contact Details: Purchase the L E M E R S.R.O. report to view the information.
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