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Csob Penzijni Spolecnost, A. S., Clen Skupiny Csob (Czech Republic)

Main Activities: Pension Funds
Full name: Csob Penzijni Spolecnost, A. S., Clen Skupiny Csob Profile Updated: December 15, 2024
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ČSOB Penzijní společnost, a.s., a member of the ČSOB group, has been operating in the pension insurance market since 1994. It was originally known as Českomoravský penzijní fond, a.s. and later changed its name to ČSOB Penzijní fond Stabilita, a.s. In 2011, it merged with ČSOB Penzijní fond Progres, a.s., another member of the ČSOB group. In September 2012, ČSOB Penzijní fond Stabilita received permission from the Czech National Bank to operate as a pension company and offer supplementary pension savings. It also became responsible for managing the assets of participants in the Transformovaný fond Stabilita, a fund to which all participants with state contributions were transferred as of January 1, 2013. The company's main role is to collect funds from participants and the state, invest them in participant funds, manage the assets of these funds, and provide benefits to ensure additional income in retirement or disability.

Radlicka 333/150
Prague; The City of Prague; Postal Code: 15000

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Basic Information
Total Employees:
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Financial Auditors:
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Incorporation Date:
October 26, 1994
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