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Termobarranquilla S.A. Empresa de Servicios Publicos (Colombia)

Main Activities: Electric Power Generation
Full name: Termobarranquilla S.A. Empresa de Servicios Publicos Profile Updated: October 25, 2024
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Termobarranquilla S.A. Empresa de Servicios Publicos is a thermal power plant located in Soledad, Atlántico, on the northern coast of Colombia. It is situated on the left bank of the Magdalena River, 21 kilometers from its mouth in the Caribbean Sea. The plant has the largest installed generation capacity in Colombia, with 918 MW. In normal conditions, it generates over 10% of the national demand and 50% of the demand in the Colombian Caribbean. TEBSA serves as the energy support for the Caribbean region in the absence of interconnection lines that connect the northern coast with the interior of the country. It also provides energy generation capacity for the country during critical hydrological events that affect the capacity of hydroelectric plants. The plant consists of a large combined cycle block, which includes five gas turbines (GT11, GT12, GT13, GT21, and GT22) operating with two steam turbines (ST14 and ST24), with a generation capacity of 791 MW. Additionally, the plant has two steam units operating under a regenerative Rankine cycle. These units have a declared generation capacity of 64 MW for Unit 3 and 63 MW for Unit 4. The main fuel used by TEBSA's units is natural gas, both local and imported, for the combined cycle block as well as for units TBQ3 and TBQ4.

Cl 18 Cr 39 250
Barranquilla; Atlantico;

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Basic Information
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Incorporation Date:
October 14, 1994
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Key Financial Highlights
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