Fondo Ganadero del Tolima S.A is a company operating in the agriculture and livestock industry. They offer beef, pig, lamb, chicken, and avestruz meat for the regional and national market, as well as bovine feeding services to marketers and expenders. The company utilizes biological products to accelerate the degradation of organic matter and has a modern plant with facilities for storage and processing. Founded to contribute to the sustainable development of the agricultural sector, Fondo Ganadero del Tolima S.A aims to foster the development of the region's agropecuary sector through the production, industrialization, and commercialization of agriculture and livestock products.
Casa Matriz
Kilómetro 3, Vía al nevado, Zona industrial Chapetón
Ibagué; Tolima;
Datos de contacto: Comprar el Fondo Ganadero del Tolima S.A. informe para acceder a la información.
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