E.S.E. Hospital San Francisco Javier del Municipio de Acevedo is a company in Colombia, with a head office in Acevedo. It operates in the Ambulatory Health Care Services sector. The enterprise was incorporated on December 19, 2014. In its most recent financial highlights, the company reported a net sales revenue increase of 6.39% in Q3C2024. Its total assets grew by 72.42% over the same period. The net profit margin of E.S.E. Hospital San Francisco Javier del Municipio de Acevedo increased by 29.75% in 2024.
Car 3 Calle 9 Esquina
Acevedo; Huila;
Postal Code: 414040
Contact Details: Purchase the E.S.E. Hospital San Francisco Javier del Municipio de Acevedo report to view the information.
Website: http://www.eseacevedo-huila.gov.co
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