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Trenes Metropolitanos S.A. (Chile)

Main Activities: Rail Transportation | Support Activities for Rail Transportation
Full name: Trenes Metropolitanos S.A. Profile Updated: October 17, 2024
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Metropolitan Trains S.A. is a subsidiary of the State Railways Company (EFE Group), which is in charge of the transportation of passengers in the central area of ​​the country, and traffic and infrastructure management between Ventanas and Chillan, including the Ramales to Los Andes, San Antonio and Talca- Constitution. The company manages the infrastructure and traffic of the central corridor of the State Railways network, providing reliable and safe traffic channels for passengers and freight operators. It offers services of local trains like Alameda-Rancagua and Busca-Talca-Constitución and long-distance trains between Santiago-Chillan and Santiago-Temuco, in summer and long weekends.

Blvd. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 3170
Santiago; Metropolitana;

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Basic Information
Total Employees:
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Outstanding Shares:
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Registered Capital:
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Financial Auditors:
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Incorporation Date:
September 29, 1995
Key Executives
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Vice President
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Company Performance
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency CLP. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
Net sales revenue
Total operating revenue
Operating profit (EBIT)
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period
Total assets
Total equity
Operating Profit Margin (ROS)
Net Profit Margin
Return on Equity (ROE)
Debt to Equity Ratio
Quick Ratio
Cash Ratio

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