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Tecnologia Integral S.A. (Chile)

Main Activities: Industrial Design Services
Full name: Tecnologia Integral S.A. Profile Updated: November 22, 2024
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Tecnología Integral S.A. (TISA) is an innovation and development company located in Providencia. Founded in 1988, TISA specializes in providing solutions to complex industrial problems. They offer a range of products and services aimed at delivering value to their customers' production processes. TISA is known for their high quality products and complete technical support. They aim to be recognized as a company of excellence with a strong presence in the Latin American market. Since their inception, TISA has focused on industrial sectors and has contributed significant developments to the industry through the application of physics and engineering.

Carmen Sylva No 2370
Providencia; Metropolitana; Postal Code: 7510225

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