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Polychem Ltda. (Chile)

Main Activities: All Other Plastics Product Manufacturing
Full name: Polychem Ltda. Profile Updated: July 02, 2024
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Polychem Ltda. is a leading and recognized company in the national and international market, specializing in the development of polyethylene products. With 24 years of experience, the company focuses on engineering and innovation. Polychem has factories in Santiago and Puerto Montt. The company is known for its constant innovation and careful analysis of customer needs, resulting in the development of new products. Polychem offers various production lines to cater to the needs of industries such as construction, aquaculture, road infrastructure, recreation, and sports. Their goal is to manufacture and market plastic products with advanced technology, meeting customer demands and satisfying stakeholders, while ensuring the quality of raw materials and complying with applicable legislation.

San Eugenio No 12451
San Bernardo; Metropolitana; Postal Code: 8060113

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