Litoral Transmisión S.A. is a company located in Santiago, Chile. It was incorporated on December 31, 2021, as a result of the division of Compañía Eléctrica del Litoral S.A. The company's main objective is to engage in the transmission or transportation of electrical energy. The majority shareholder of the company is Chilquinta Energía S.A., which holds an 80.26% stake. Chilquinta Energía S.A. is controlled by State Grid International Development, a Beijing-based company and the largest energy services corporation in the world, with extensive experience in the construction and operation of transmission and distribution networks. Litoral Transmisión S.A. is part of the Chilquinta Group of Companies and actively participates in the expansion of the transmission segment, with a focus on sustainable development in the communities it serves. The company's operations are in line with the requirements set by the "Ley Corta de Distribución" (Short Distribution Law) and the regulations established by the Comisión Nacional de Energía (National Energy Commission). Litoral Transmisión S.A. aims to contribute to the development of the country and its inhabitants through its transmission activities.
San Sebastian 2952, Office 202
Santiago; Metropolitana;
Contact Details: Purchase the Litoral Transmision S.A. report to view the information.
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