Usina de Energia Eolica Vila Para I Spe S.A. is a company in Brazil, with a head office in Serra do Mel. It operates in the Electric Power Generation industry. The enterprise was incorporated on May 26, 2014. From the latest financial highlights, Usina de Energia Eolica Vila Para I Spe S.A. reported a net sales revenue drop of 50.1% in 2023. A negative growth of 1.49% was recorded in its total assets. The net profit margin of Usina de Energia Eolica Vila Para I Spe S.A. increased by 20.28% in 2023.
Vila Para S/N, Lote 34, Zona Rural
Serra do Mel; Rio Grande do Norte;
Postal Code: 59663000
Contact Details: Purchase the Usina de Energia Eolica Vila Para I Spe S.A. report to view the information.
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