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Rlg do Brasil Distribuicao e Varejo Ltda. (Brazil)

Main Activities: Jewelry Stores
Secondary Activities: Support Activities for Printing | Office Equipment Merchant Wholesalers | Computer and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software Merchant Wholesalers | Jewelry, Watch, Precious Stone, and Precious Metal Merchant Wholesalers | Apparel, Piece Goods, and Notions Merchant Wholesalers | Farm Product Raw Material Merchant Wholesalers | Home Furnishings Stores | Electronics and Appliance Stores | Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Stores | Optical Goods Stores | Clothing Stores | Clothing Accessories Stores | Luggage and Leather Goods Stores | Office Supplies, Stationery, and Gift Stores | Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Stores | Other Miscellaneous Store Retailers | Tobacco Stores | All Other Telecommunications | Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance | Footwear and Leather Goods Repair | Other Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance
Full name: Rlg do Brasil Distribuicao e Varejo Ltda. Profile Updated: December 19, 2024
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Rlg do Brasil Distribuicao e Varejo Ltda. is based in Brazil, with the head office in Sao Paulo. It operates in the Jewelry Stores industry. The company was established on May 30, 1978.

Avenida Dr Cardoso de Melo 1184, Andar 17 Conj 171 E 172, Vila Olimpia
Sao Paulo; Sao Paulo; Postal Code: 04548004

Contact Details: Purchase the Rlg do Brasil Distribuicao e Varejo Ltda. report to view the information.


Basic Information
Total Employees:
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Incorporation Date:
May 30, 1978
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Richemont do Brasil Distribuicao Ltda.
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