Instituto de Gestao Por Resultados - Igpr (Goiania) CNPJ (20288745/0001-05) is based in Brazil, with the head office in Goiania. The enterprise operates in the All Other Miscellaneous Ambulatory Health Care Services industry. Instituto de Gestao Por Resultados - Igpr (Goiania) CNPJ (20288745/0001-05) was incorporated on April 29, 2014. There was a net sales revenue drop of 1.77% reported in Instituto de Gestao Por Resultados - Igpr (Goiania) CNPJ (20288745/0001-05)’s latest financial highlights for 2021. During that time, Instituto de Gestao Por Resultados - Igpr (Goiania) CNPJ (20288745/0001-05)’s total assets decreased by 79.35%. The net profit margin of Instituto de Gestao Por Resultados - Igpr (Goiania) CNPJ (20288745/0001-05) decreased by 9.9% in 2021.
Avenida D 72, Quadrad11 Lote 81 Sala 201, Set Oeste
Goiania; Goias;
Postal Code: 74140160
Contact Details: Purchase the Instituto de Gestao Por Resultados - Igpr (Goiania) CNPJ (20288745/0001-05) report to view the information.
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