Fhv Participacoes e Empreendimentos S.A. is based in Brazil, with the head office in Sao Paulo. The company operates in the Offices of Other Holding Companies industry. Fhv Participacoes e Empreendimentos S.A. was incorporated on May 03, 1993. In 2023, the company reported a net sales revenue increase of 306.99%. Its total assets grew by 19.01% over the same period. In 2023, Fhv Participacoes e Empreendimentos S.A.’s net profit margin increased by 26.79%.
Rua Minas de Prata 30, Conj 32 Sala H, Vila Olimpia
Sao Paulo; Sao Paulo;
Postal Code: 04552080
Contact Details: Purchase the Fhv Participacoes e Empreendimentos S.A. report to view the information.
Website: http://farvparticipacoes.com.br
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