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Anin Industria e Comercio de Papel Ltda. em Recuperacao Judicial (Brazil)

Main Activities: All Other Converted Paper Product Manufacturing
Secondary Activities: Paperboard Container Manufacturing | Sanitary Paper Product Manufacturing | Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance
Full name: Anin Industria e Comercio de Papel Ltda. em Recuperacao Judicial Profile Updated: September 16, 2024
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Anin Papéis Especiais is a paper manufacturer based in Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil. The company operates in the hygiene and cleaning branches, graphic industries, packaging manufacturers, paper converters, hospital products, and other segments. Anin offers a wide range of institutional papers, including interfolated guardanapo and interfolated towel paper. Anin operates with sustainable and rigorous methods. Anin has two factories in the metropolitan region of São Paulo and is known for its logistics system.

Avenida Antonio Bardella 208, Cidade Industrial Satelite de Sao Paulo
Guarulhos; Sao Paulo; Postal Code: 07220020

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Incorporation Date:
January 06, 1993
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