Nacional Seguros Vida y Salud S.A. is a company located in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. It was incorporated on April 5, 1999, through Administrative Resolution No. 246 of August 30 of the same year from the Superintendence of Pensions, Securities, and Insurance. The company was created from the division of Life and Health Insurance of Empresa Nacional de Seguros S.A., which was part of Banco Nacional de Bolivia. The company was managed by Banco Nacional de Bolivia until 2001 when it decided to sell its companies to Adriática Seguros S.A. In 2003, the company underwent an organic restructuring and became the company Seguro de Personas Nacional Vida S.A. It established a new direction, vision, mission, and a customer-oriented culture with transparency and a presence in Santa Cruz, La Paz, Cochabamba, and Sucre. In 2005, the company was acquired by a group of investors who relaunched it with a new corporate image, brand positioning, and new products, as part of the emerging Grupo Nacional Vida. Since then, the company has continued to grow and has become a leader in the Personal Insurance Market. This growth is the result of the vision of Bolivian entrepreneurs committed to the country's development and the willingness to expand horizons and modernize the market. In 2015, the Grupo Empresarial de Inversiones Nacional Vida decided to align its two insurance companies under a common corporate image and the name Nacional Seguros. This alignment has created synergy between the two companies, offering the best options for Life and Health Insurance in the case of Nacional Seguros Vida y Salud S.A., and for Property Insurance and Bonds in the case of its sister company specialized in that field. Today, Nacional Seguros Vida y Salud S.A. is a leader in innovation and digitalization. It offers non-face-to-face services 24/7 and constantly launches new services and products that meet the changing needs of its customers and the Bolivian insurance market.
Avenida Santa Cruz esquina Calle Jauru N 333 (2do. Anillo ente Av. Canal Cotoca y Paragua)
Santa Cruz de la Sierra; Santa Cruz de la Sierra;
Contact Details: Purchase the Nacional Seguros Vida Y Salud S.A. report to view the information.
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