Trest Shahtospetsstroi OAO is an open shareholding company operating in the mining and construction industry. The company specializes in shaft sinking, construction of mining complexes, and metal structure production. Their main activities include the construction of industrial facilities, geological exploration, and the production of metal structures and mining equipment. They are the general contractor for the construction of the Petrokovsky mountain and enrichment complex, and their target market includes the Republic of Belarus and other regions. The company also offers ready-to-use concrete mixtures and provides services for corrosion protection and construction repair. Their main raw material base is the Petrikov potash deposit, and they have been involved in the construction of the Petrokovsky mining and processing plant.
Солигорск; Минская область;
Почтовый индекс: 223710
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Трест Шахтоспецстрой ОАО отчет .
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