JSC Svyataya Volya is the successor of the agricultural production is the successor of the collective farm named after Kalinin, Ivatsevichi district, which began work in March 1949. The main activity is the production of livestock and crop products, the share of which in the volume of revenue is 98 .
The company s shares are listed on BCSE under ticker T5939-S0001, ISIN: BY12341C2340.
History overview:
1996: Registation of the Company.
2017: Listing the shares on BCSE.
Ag. Holy Will, St. Shosseinaya, 3A, Ivatsevichi District, Svyatovolsky S / S
Брест; Брестская область;
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Святая Воля ОАО отчет .
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