In January 1969, a construction site was created in the city of Smorgon as part of the construction department No. 103 of Stroytrest No. 19, located in the city of Lida. The main activity of the trust was the construction of civil and industrial facilities. The largest number reached in 1987 - 2243 people. As of August 1, 2010, the number of employees was 1037 people. For 30 years of its activity, the trust has built, from the most significant objects.
The company s shares are listed on BCSE under ticker T1547-S0004, ISIN: BY4256191809.
24, Gagarina Street
Гродно; Гродненская область;
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Otkrytoe Aktsionernoe Obschestvo Stroitelstvo-Montazhnyi Trest No 41 G.Smorgon отчет .
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