The Company was put into operation in 1977. This is the only operating enterprise out of five typical enterprises built simultaneously in the USSR, specializing in the production of worsted yarn. For 4 decades, a difficult and thorny path of transformation, modernization of production, existence in modern economic conditions has been passed. In the 21st century, Slonimskaya KPF OJSC is a real brand that has proven itself not only in its native country, but also abroad.
The company s shares are listed on BCSE under ticker T1519-S0005, ISIN: BY4254197014.
History overview:
1991: Registation of the Company.
2009: Listing the shares on BCSE.
St. Brestskaya, 50, Slonim
Гродно; Гродненская область;
Почтовый индекс: 231800
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Otkrytoe Aktsionernoe Obschestvo Slonimskaya Kamvolno-Pryadilnaya Fabrika отчет .
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