GUM OAO is a major department store located in the city of Minsk. It first opened its doors to customers and guests on November 5, 1951. The department store is situated in the heart of the capital, at the intersection of the main thoroughfare, Independence Avenue, and Lenin Street. GUM is a monument of architecture and urban planning from the 20th century, and it is one of the most significant tourist attractions in the city. For many decades, it has remained a favorite place for residents of Minsk and visitors to the capital. In addition to shopping, visitors can immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a Soviet department store with wide staircases, unique stained glass windows, and luxurious columns.
пр. Независимости, дом 21
Минск; Минская область;
Почтовый индекс: 220030
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите ГУМ ОАО отчет .
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