Zlaten Lev Holding AD is a company located in Sofia, Bulgaria. It was incorporated on July 21, 1999, through the division of the Privatization Fund "Zlaten Lev" AD into two entities: an investment company, later transformed into the Contractual Fund "Zlaten Lev," and a holding company, Zlaten Lev Holding AD, in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Public Offering of Securities. The company's main activities, as stated in its Articles of Association, include acquiring, managing, evaluating, and selling stakes in Bulgarian and foreign companies. It also engages in the acquisition, management, and sale of bonds, as well as the acquisition, evaluation, and sale of patents and licensing agreements for the use of patents held by companies in which Zlaten Lev Holding AD participates. Additionally, the company provides financing to companies in which it has a stake. Zlaten Lev Holding AD is also allowed to engage in its own commercial activities, as long as they are not prohibited by law.
Ul. Postoyanstvo 67B
Sofia; Sofia - city;
Postal Code: 1111
Contact Details: Purchase the Zlaten Lev Holding AD report to view the information.
Website: http://www.zlatenlev.com/
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