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Yugozapadno Darzhavno Predpriyatie DP (Bulgaria)

Main Activities: Forestry and Logging | Support Activities for Forestry
Full name: Yugozapadno Darzhavno Predpriyatie DP Profile Updated: December 17, 2024
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Yugozapadno Darzhavno Predpriyatie DP (Yuzdp) is a state-owned enterprise located in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. It was established based on Article 163 of the Forest Act, in connection with Order No. RD 49-106 dated April 13, 2011, and Order No. RD 49-210 dated June 4, 2011, by the Minister of Agriculture and Food. The company manages forest territories within eight administrative regions: Blagoevgrad, Kyustendil, Pernik, Sofia City, Sofia, and the districts of Lovech, Pazardzhik, and Plovdiv. The total area of these territories is 958,320 hectares, with 680,660 hectares being state-owned forest territories (71%). Yuzdp consists of a central administration and 38 territorial divisions, including six state hunting estates and 32 state forest estates. All of them are part of the Bulgarian Forest Service, which has a history and traditions of over 140 years in caring for Bulgarian forests. The main tasks of the company, aimed at sustainable management, maintaining ecosystem diversity, preserving biodiversity, and forest resources in state-owned forests, include: - Implementation of forest and hunting management plans, as well as maintenance and/or restoration activities in state-owned forest territories. - Activities for the protection and conservation of forest territories and erosion control measures in state forests. - Design and construction in forests and lands within state forest territories. - Creation of new forests on agricultural territories. - Provision and performance of public services. - Other activities not prohibited by law, as well as those assigned to it by the Minister of Agriculture, Food, and Forests or based on a contract. The company's main economic activity is timber harvesting, which provides firewood for the local population and raw materials for the wood processing industry. The total volume of harvested timber is over 1 million cubic meters annually. Increasing attention is also being paid to the ecosystem services provided by forests, such as the supply of drinking water, air purification, biodiversity conservation, and the provision of conditions for tourism and recreation.

Zora 18
Blagoevgrad; Blagoevgrad; Postal Code: 2700

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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency BGN. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
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Net Profit (Loss) for the Period
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Operating Profit Margin (ROS)
Net Profit Margin
Return on Equity (ROE)
Debt to Equity Ratio
Quick Ratio
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