Eastern Insurance Co. Ltd. is a general insurance company located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It was incorporated in 1986 and is listed with the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE). The company has a network of 25 branches throughout the country, covering important business centers. Eastern Insurance Co. Ltd. offers a wide range of general insurance products and services. It has a reputation for adhering to business norms and ethics, providing personalized customer service, and promptly settling claims. The company has a competent management team with extensive experience in the insurance industry. It operates its business through its branches, which are supervised by the head office. Claims are centrally processed by the head office. Eastern Insurance Co. Ltd. has reinsurance arrangements with SBC and is authorized to underwrite all classes of non-life insurance business. The company has diversified its business by becoming a member of the Chittagong Stock Exchange and forming a subsidiary company called EIC Securities Ltd. It has also made investments in land, the share market, and other sectors of business and industry. Eastern Insurance Co. Ltd. has been given a AAA credit rating by the government-approved Credit Rating Agency based on its premium collection, core services, financial strength, and efficient claims settlement.
44 Dilkusha C/A (2Nd Floor)
Dhaka; Dhaka;
Postal Code: 1000
Contact Details: Purchase the Eastern Insurance Co. Ltd. report to view the information.
Website: http://www.easterninsurancebd.com
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