The Bank was established on 15 October 2002 as a result of the merger of the two advanced private commercial banks of Azerbaijan - MBANK (1992) and PROMTEKHBANK (1994).
The statutory meeting of shareholders was held on 27 May 1992 and it was decided during it to establish the Commercial Bank MBANK .
The Commercial Bank MBANK was transformed into an Open Joint-Stock Company following the decision of its founders on 27 July 1992.
The National Bank of Azerbaijan provided the Bank with the banking licence on 27 July 1992. 27 December 2002 - The Bank becomes renamed as the Open Joint-Stock Company The Commercial Bank UNIBANK .
55, Rashid Behbudov Street, Az1022
Baku; Absheron;
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Unibank Commercial Bank Asc отчет .
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