AccessBank Qsc is a bank located in Baku, Azerbaijan. It was incorporated on October 29, 2002, and re-branded as AccessBank in September 2008. The bank aims to support the development of small businesses and promote financial inclusion in Azerbaijan. Their mission is to provide responsible financial services and solutions to households and micro, small, and medium enterprises, using internationally recognized best banking practices. AccessBank is committed to delivering value for their clients, shareholders, employees, and society at large. Their strategic goals include maintaining their market position as a leading financial service provider for micro and small business customers, improving the customer experience through digitalization and tailored financial services, ensuring strong risk management and compliance, strengthening operational efficiency, and providing sustainable impact and financial return to investors.
3, Tbilisi Avenue Az1065, Azerbajian
Baku; Absheron;
Почтовый индекс: AZ1065
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