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Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance PLC (Branch Argentina) (Argentina)

Main Activities: Direct Life Insurance Carriers
Full name: Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance PLC (Branch Argentina) Profile Updated: November 27, 2024
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Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance PLC (Branch Argentina) is a general insurance company located in Buenos Aires. With a history spanning over 300 years, they have become one of the world's longest-serving insurance companies. They currently serve more than 9 million customers globally. The company offers a wide range of insurance products to meet the diverse needs of their customers, including personal car, home, and pet insurance, as well as commercial insurance for businesses of all sizes. They are known through various channels, including brokers, insurance brands, and partnerships with UK retail partners such as John Lewis, Nationwide, and Tesco. In 2021, they became part of Intact Financial Corporation, and are committed to further supporting their customers by optimizing operations, investing in new technology, and enhancing protection for the things that matter most.

Avenida Cecilia 255
Buenos Aires (City); Federal Capital; Postal Code: 1107

Contact Details: Purchase the Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance PLC (Branch Argentina) report to view the information.


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