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Compania Consignataria Paz Hnos. S.R.L. (Argentina)

Main Activities: Lessors of Real Estate | Activities Related to Real Estate
Full name: Compania Consignataria Paz Hnos. S.R.L. Profile Updated: November 27, 2024
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Compania Consignataria Paz Hnos. S.R.L. is a family-owned company in its second generation, specializing in livestock consignment and rural real estate. The company was founded in 1995, following the principles and prestige of its late founder, Pepe Paz. They strive to provide the best service to both old and new clients, with a focus on livestock consignment and the sale of rural properties. In 2001, they expanded their services to include urban real estate, such as property development, buying and selling, appraisals, divisions, and rentals. The company is committed to maintaining their values and building relationships with their customers, as they continue to dream of a future filled with innovative projects.

Cornelio Saavedra 218
Junin; Mendoza; Postal Code: B6000EGF

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