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Afford S.A. (Argentina)

Main Activities: Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing
Full name: Afford S.A. Profile Updated: November 27, 2024
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Afford S.A. is an Argentine company located in Lomas de Zamora. It was founded in 1982 and has been dedicated to the production of veterinary medicines for over 30 years. The company's founder, Dr. Ricardo H. Calvo, is a veterinarian with over 40 years of experience in the field, particularly in the production and quality control of pharmaceutical products for both large and small animals. Afford has experienced steady growth since its inception and has become one of the leading companies in the Argentine market for animal health. The company's success is attributed to its personalized approach, allowing them to understand the demands of the veterinary pharmaceutical industry throughout the country.

Garibaldi No. 2619 Industrial Zone Lomas De Zamora
Lomas de Zamora; Buenos Aires; Postal Code: B1836ALH

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Incorporation Date:
September 16, 2003
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