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Aerovias Del Continente Americano S.a. Avianca (Argentina)

Main Activities: Air Transportation
Full name: Aerovias Del Continente Americano S.a. Avianca Profile Updated: November 14, 2024
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The airline best known by its former name is Sociedad Colombo Alemana de Transporte Aéreo, SCADTA. Founded in 1919 with headquarters in Colombia. In September 1920, the first flight between Barranquilla and Puerto Berio was made. In 1928 the first international route to Guayaquil was opened and in 1929 other regular routes between the cities of Girardeau, Bogotá and Neiva were incorporated. In 2002 the Summa Alliance was formed, which includes Avianca, SAM and Aces. In 2003, Aces was liquidated. Two years later, the company changed its corporate name to Aerovías del Continente Americano S.A. In 2014, the company expanded its operations in Europe, opening the Bogotá-London route. In 2018 it started operating in Munich.

Carlos Pellegrini 1075
Buenos Aires (City); Federal Capital; Postal Code: C1009ABW

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