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Abc Accesorios S.R.L. (Argentina)

Main Activities: Automotive Parts and Accessories Stores
Full name: Abc Accesorios S.R.L. Profile Updated: November 27, 2024
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ABC Accesorios S.R.L. is a wholesale company located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. For over 30 years, they have been importing a wide variety of top international brands such as Sonax, Hella, EGR, McGard, CarryBoy, and Duraliner. They specialize in accessories for vehicles, pick-ups, and 4x4s. Their main customers include automotive terminals, dealerships, distributors, and retail businesses throughout the country. ABC Accesorios S.R.L. strives to meet the needs of all their clients on a daily basis. In 2008, they opened the first factory for Marítimas Lonas in Argentina, in collaboration with Brazilian capital. Their expertise in manufacturing the product, combined with their extensive knowledge of the local market, has led to the success and recognition of their Lonas Multicap throughout the country. ABC Accesorios S.R.L. attributes their significant growth over the years to their high-quality products and excellent relationships with customers and suppliers.

Sunchales 742
Buenos Aires (City); Federal Capital; Postal Code: C1416EBF

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