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A Hotel (Argentina)

Main Activities: Hotels (except Casino Hotels) and Motels
Full name: A Hotel Profile Updated: November 27, 2024
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A Hotel is a French-style building located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The building was originally constructed in 1927 as a residential building with four large apartments, one per floor. In the 1960s, it was transformed into a family pension hotel. In 2004, the building was purchased in poor condition and underwent extensive remodeling to meet current standards. All rooms were equipped with private bathrooms, and the plumbing and electricity were completely redone. A second elevator, air conditioning/heating system, and WiFi throughout the building were also installed. The 1100 m2 building consists of a basement with water reservoirs and various pipelines, a ground floor with a reception area, a breakfast room with a small kitchen, an art gallery-lounge, an office, and a storage room. There are four floors with eight rooms each, and a fifth floor with two rooms, a terrace-deck with a jacuzzi, a changing room with bathrooms for staff, and technical rooms (elevator motor, refrigeration system, generator, storage, and water heaters). The hotel has two elevators (one original and one modern), a central air conditioner located on the terrace, and a generator. It has obtained all the necessary permits and licenses from the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, including a hotel license and fire safety regulations. The hotel offers a total of 34 rooms.

Azcuenaga 1268
Buenos Aires (City); Federal Capital; Postal Code: C1115

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