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A.M.S. y D. Atletico de Rafaela (Santa Fe) (Argentina)

Main Activities: Sports Teams and Clubs
Full name: A.M.S. y D. Atletico de Rafaela (Santa Fe) Profile Updated: November 27, 2024
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A.M.S. y D. Atletico de Rafaela (Santa Fe) is a company located in Rafaela, Santa Fe. It was incorporated on April 1, 1988. The company has a long history, starting 115 years ago on January 13, 1907, when a group of enthusiastic young people founded the Club Atlético Argentino de Rafaela. On May 3, 1915, the club changed its name to Club Atlético de Rafaela, and finally, on April 1, 1988, it adopted its current name, Asociación Mutual Social y Deportiva Atlético de Rafaela. The company offers various products and services, although the specific details are not mentioned in the source. The target customers and main markets are also not specified.

Dentesano 445
Rafaela; Santa Fe; Postal Code: S2300DHI

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Incorporation Date:
January 13, 1907
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