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SAPREF Ltd (South Africa)

Main Activities: Crude Petroleum Extraction | Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing
Full name: Shell South Africa Refining Ltd Profile Updated: February 09, 2018
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SAPREF is a joint venture between Shell SA Refining and BP Southern Africa and is South Africa’s largest crude oil refinery, with a refining capacity of 8.5 million tons a year. The company includes the refinery in the South Durban Basin (SDB), storage facilities at the harbour (Island View), a Single Buoy Mooring (SBM) where tankers offload about 80% of South Africa’s crude oil imports and joint bunkering services, operated on behalf of various petroleum companies. The company manufactures variety of petroleum products, including petrol, diesel, paraffin, aviation fuel, liquid petroleum gas, base oil, solvents and marine fuel oil. SAPREF has a design capacity to process between 180 000 and 190 000 barrels per day depending on the type of crude oil processed.

SAPREF, Refinery Road, Prospecton, 4110
Durban; KwaZulu-Natal; Postal Code: 4110

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