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Tong Cong Ty Hang Khong Viet Nam-Ctcp (Vietnam)

Main Activities: Air Transportation
Full name: Tong Cong Ty Hang Khong Viet Nam-Ctcp Profile Updated: May 25, 2024
Buy our report for this company USD 29.95 Most recent financial data: 2023 Available in: English Download a sample report

The Company specializes in the field of air transport, airport services, aircraft repair.
The Company was founded in 1956, operating under the certificate of business registration number 0100107518 by Department of Planning and investment of Hanoi on May 21, 1998. Headquarter: 200 Nguyen Son Street, Long Bien District, Hanoi.
The Company operates in major business areas:
-Air carriage for passengers and baggage, cargo, parcels, parcel, letter;
-Active general aviation aircraft in service of political, economic, social, security and defense;
-Maintenance of aircraft, engines, spare parts, aviation equipment and other technical devices;
-Production components, materials, aircraft spare parts, other technical equipment in the fields of aerospace industry;
-Providing technical services for airlines in the country and abroad;
-Import and export of aircraft, engines, spare parts, aviation equipment (rent, lease, leasing, purchase and sale) in accordance with State regulations.
-Multimodal transport.
-Production, processing, import and export of food served on airplanes.
-Production, importing of equipment serving air transport chain.
-Import and export gasoline, aircraft grease (fuel, lubricants and special liquids) and other petroleum at airports and airfields.
-Retail gasoline agent.
-Finance, banking and finance leases.
1956: Vietnam Civil Aviation Department was established by the Government in January 1956, marking the birth of the civil aviation industry in Vietnam.
1993: Vietnam Airlines was officially established in April 1993.
1995: Vietnam Airlines Corporation was born with the gathering of 20 aviation enterprises and the airline itself as the core business on 27th May 1995.
2010: Renamed to Vietnam Airlines Company Limited under Decision No. 952/QD-TTg.
2015: The Company was renamed to Vietnam Airlines JSC from April 1, 2015.
2016: The Company s shares were listed on Upcom under the symbol HVN
2019: The Company s shares were delisted from Upcom and relisted on Hochiminh stock exchange since May 7, 2019

200 Nguyen Son Street, Bo De Ward, Long Bien District
Ha Noi (municipality); Red River Delta; Postal Code: 10

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Basic Information
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Cong Ty Tnhh Mtv Dich Vu Mat Dat San Bay Vietnam
Vietnam Airlines Engineering Company
Cong Ty Tnhh Giao Nhan Hang Hoa
Company Performance
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency VND. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
Net sales revenue
Total operating revenue
Operating profit (EBIT)
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period
Total assets
Total equity
Operating Profit Margin (ROS)
Net Profit Margin
Return on Equity (ROE)
Debt to Equity Ratio
Quick Ratio
Cash Ratio

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