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Cong Ty Co Phan Phan Bon Va Hoa Chat Dau Khi Dong Nam Bo (Vietnam)

Main Activities: Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying | Fertilizer Manufacturing
Full name: Cong Ty Co Phan Phan Bon Va Hoa Chat Dau Khi Dong Nam Bo Profile Updated: May 26, 2024
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The Company specializes in trading of fertilizers and industrial - agricultural chemicals.
The Company was founded in 2008, operates under the business registration certificate No. 0305918852 issued by Department of Planning and Investment of Ho Chi Minh City on August 18, 2008. Address: 27 Dinh Bo Linh Street, Ward 24, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City.
The main business:
-Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizers and nitrogen compounds.
-Wholesale and retail of fertilizers and industrial - agricultural chemicals.
-Wholesale and retail of agricultural and forestry materials, rice, food.
-Retail of food, beverages, tobacco.
-Retail of fabric, wool, yarn, sewing and textiles.
-Carriage of goods by road and inland waterway.
-Consultant and instruction of technical using of fertilizers and chemicals.
-Logistic services.
-Real estate business.
-Plant fruit trees and perennial plants.
2008: The forerunner of the Company was South-East PetroVietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals One member Company Limited established under Decision No. 115 / HDQT on August 7, 2008.
2010: The Company operating transform into South-East PetroVietnam Fertilizer and Chemicals Company Limited under Decision No. 263 / QD-PBHC on December 22, 2010.
2011: The Company was transformed to South-East PetroVietnam Fertilizer Chemicals Joint Stock Company (SE PVFCCo) under Decision No. 06 / QD-SE on January 12, 2011.
2015: The Company s shares were listed on Hanoi Stok exchange under the symbol PSE.

No.27 Dinh Bo Linh Street, Ward 24, Binh Thanh District
Ho Chi Minh municipality; South Eastern Vietnam; Postal Code: 70

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Basic Information
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Company Performance
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency VND. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
Net sales revenue
Total operating revenue
Operating profit (EBIT)
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period
Total assets
Total equity
Operating Profit Margin (ROS)
Net Profit Margin
Return on Equity (ROE)
Quick Ratio
Cash Ratio

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