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Pars National Agro-Industry And Animal Husbandry Company Public Joint Stock (Iran)

Main Activities: Corn Farming | Animal Production and Aquaculture | Dairy Product (except Frozen) Manufacturing
Secondary Activities: Soybean and Other Oilseed Processing
Full name: Pars National Agro-Industry And Animal Husbandry Company Public Joint Stock Profile Updated: May 25, 2024
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The Main Activity of the company is Preparation and implementation of agricultural projects Including agriculture, livestock, poultry and production of off-season.
The activities of the company include:
1- Land development through water supply, transfer and distribution
2 - Implementation of agricultural production projects and projects
3. Implementation of conversion and completion projects for crops and animals
4 - Increasing the productive and productive employment in this deprived area.
5- Use of public funds of the country s banks instead of purely state resources Started.
The Company was Established as a private Joint Stock Company under Registration Number 157 on 16 February 1988 .
On 21 March 1988 The Company started its activity
On 1 November 2007 the Company changed its legal form to be Public Joint Stock Company.
The Company was listed in Tehran Stock Exchange on 29 April 2017.
The company changed its Year End from 20 March to 20 December .
The Company delisted in Tehran Stock Exchange then the Company Listed again in Tehran Stock Exchange on 19 November 2018
Agriculture Affairs
Agricultural and Horticultural Affairs The company is comprised of five agricultural production departments, a horticulture and natural resources department, a seed processing department, and an applied research office on more than 11,000 hectares of land:
8500 ha of irrigation and dry farming
220 hectares of forest
240 acres of olive
More than 2000 hectares of rangelands and natural resources that cultivate and operate strategic seed and non-seed crops under pressure and gravity irrigation. And it produces more than 35,000 tons of strategic and forage products annually.

Important Industrial products and Animal Husbandry
Seed wheat
Edible wheat
Seed corn
Silhouette corn
Corn grain
Forage corn
Seed sorghum
Seed beet
Important achievements of the agricultural sector of the National Pars Company of Agriculture, Industry and Animal Husbandry
The company has achieved good and significant performance in the production of products due to the available facilities and experienced experts.
Wheat 6500-7000
Seed corn 4000 - 3500
Corn grain 9000 - 7000
Seed sorghum 4000 - 3500
Rapeseed 3000 - 2500
And alfalfa from 16,000 to 15,000 kg / ha and is a producer and supplier of various wheat seed varieties in the Moghan region and has contributed greatly to the region s agriculture. It is also one of the major producers of maize, sorghum and beet seed in the country, which is in compliance with all defined standards and has quality certificate from Seed and Seed Institute of Iran.
Seed Processing and Processing Plant:
Equipped with drying and disinfection, disinfection and sacheting machines and all agricultural products of the company are optimally defined and standards under the supervision of expert experts and supervised by the Research and Seed Research Institute of the country in this dry, disinfecting and sacking plant. And shipped throughout the country for consumption.
Horticultural and Forest and Rangeland Unit:
The unit operates on more than 1,000 hectares of corporate land, including 220 hectares of coniferous forest and 240 hectares of canned and oiled olives and 500 hectares of pasture. More than 11 tons of high quality olive oil is being exported and marketed in the region, which has been well received by customers due to the quality of the above oil.
Applied Research Department of Agriculture:
The Company s Applied Agriculture Research Unit also liaises with scientific and research centers and institutes for seed and plant disease and plant diseases by upgrading technical and agronomic knowledge to qualitatively and quantitatively increase yields by conducting comparative and comparative tests of new cultivars as well as practical and effective methods. Pest and weed control has taken a new step in advancing the company s goals and has achieved some successes in this regard through the use of Irvine Bacterial Disease Control in seed and seed maize fields as well as seed sorghum especially in the fields below. The planting of sprinkler irrigation systems indicated that approximately every year the number of k 30 percent of the reduction was achieved successfully.
Machine facilities
Equipped with over 80 tractors of heavy and semi heavy tractors and 150 tractor types.
1- Machinery equipped repair shop.
2. Sprinkler Irrigation System
Products and functions
The Company s agricultural affairs, which comprises five agricultural units in the technical management departments of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources (Horticulture), Seed Processing Unit, Olive Comparative Garden and Seed Production Department, approximately 8500 hectares of land and 400 hectares of Rayton Garden The pattern of dried figs and pistachios and the needle trees in the forest are agricultural activities, of which about 5,000 hectares of water under the cultivation of autumn and spring crops with leak irrigation system and sprinkler irrigation system.
It is noteworthy that with sufficient expertise and experience in producing quality seed products, more than 2000 hectares of strategic seed crops are produced, and the annual production of the company is more than 35,000 tons of crops. That includes a variety of seed, edible and forage products. The olive oil produced by the company has a good quality and welcomes customers.

Pars Abad, Area Operations Project Road
Ardabil; Ardabil; Postal Code: 56931-31961

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Basic Information
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Director / Member of the Management Board
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Company Performance
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency IRR. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
Net sales revenue
Total operating revenue
Operating profit (EBIT)
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period
Total assets
Total equity
Operating Profit Margin (ROS)
Net Profit Margin
Return on Equity (ROE)
Debt to Equity Ratio
Quick Ratio
Cash Ratio

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