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China Construction Bank Brasil Banco Multiplo S.A. (Brazil)

Main Activities: Commercial Banking
Full name: China Construction Bank Brasil Banco Multiplo S.A. Profile Updated: April 15, 2024
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China Construction Bank (Brasil) Banco Multiplo S.A. is a subsidiary of China Construction Bank (CCB), one of the largest financial conglomerates in the world. Founded in 1954, CCB is a Chinese public bank with the objective of supporting China's development. It is currently listed on the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges, with a market value of US$272.71 billion. With a customer base of 314 million, CCB is ranked second among the world's largest financial institutions according to Forbes in 2017. The bank operates with a team of approximately 362,500 employees and has a network of 15,000 branches in China and abroad, with subsidiaries in all continents. Since 2014, CCB has been present in Brazil through its subsidiary CCB Brasil, marking a milestone in its internationalization strategy. The goal of CCB Brasil is to be the main financial intermediary to support trade flows between Brazil and China and to be the anchor operation of the conglomerate in Latin America. Located in São Paulo, CCB Brasil plays a crucial role in promoting business between the two countries. The bank operates in the financial segments demanded by the corporate market and has a team of over 500 professionals spread across its headquarters, nine service points strategically located throughout Brazil, and an agency in Grand Cayman. CCB Brasil offers credit, investment, and foreign exchange and trade services, primarily catering to large companies.

Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 4440, 2- E 5- Andares
Sao Paulo; Sao Paulo; Postal Code: CEP 04.538-132

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Basic Information
Total Employees:
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Outstanding Shares:
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Registered Capital:
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Financial Auditors:
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Incorporation Date:
July 18, 1972
Key Executives
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Member of Board of Directors
Company Performance
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency BRL. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
Net interest income
Net fee and commission income
Operating profit (EBIT)
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period
Total assets
Loans and advances to customers
Deposits from customers
Total equity
Total Assets Trend
Net Interest Income Trend
Cost to Income Ratio
Loans to Deposits Ratio
Loans to Asset Ratio

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