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Compania Panamena de Aviacion S.A. COPA Airlines (Argentina)

Main Activities: Air Transportation
Full name: Compania Panamena de Aviacion S.A. COPA Airlines Profile Updated: December 15, 2021
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Copa Airlines was founded in 1947 as the Panamanian Aviation Company. They have a fleet of 39 aircraft: 20 Boeing 737-700, 6, 737-800 and 13 EMB190ER. Reaches 32 destinations and 20 countries. In 2011 expands its Hub of the Americas in Panama from 4 to 6 flight banks and grows its network with 7 new destinations, solidifying the Hub of the Americas’ leadership position in the region. Copa Holdings, S.A. (NYSE-Listed CPA) celebrates five years of trading. in 2012 announces the new MileagePlus Frequent Flyer Program along with United Airlines and in June, formally joining the airlines' global network, Star Alliance. Starts its flight operations to Las Vegas, Recife, Curazao, Guanacaste, and Iquitos.

Emma de la Barra 353, Floor 7,
Buenos Aires (City); Federal Capital; Postal Code: C1107BXA

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Outstanding Shares:
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Incorporation Date:
June 21, 1944
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